They say there are two sides to the brain. One that is for math and logic, and the other that takes care of creativity, articulation, etc. So, in this fashion, the world is split up into two. Even in universities, there are the cool artsies and the nerdy engineers always battling it out. At UofT, we even have cheers and slogans to put down those artsies like "You're an artsy, youre an artsy, you're an artsy drinking beer.. you're a loser with no future, don't you wish you were an engineer!" If there are two mutually exclusive parts to the world, which one is better? Can one survive without the other? I, as an engineering student am biased and obviously think we are better. After all, we have created every tool, instrument that exists in this world. Without us, there are no computers, no ipods, no internet, not even the wheel. So the progress of the world should be attributed to engineers doing what they do best.
On the other hand, artsies tend to think that they are the better creed. They understand human nature, relationships, psychology, etc. and they tend to analyze every expression, sentence, in great detail. I went to a fairy artsy school (the coordinator of my program was an english teacher) and all I ever heard were comparisons between logical thinkers and "analytical" creative thinkers and how the latter is obvioulsy better. At that time, I agreed with that because after all, English is a subjective subject and to get a good mark, you have to agree with the teacher. Anyway, their reasoning was that artsies think about things and are more "enlightened" in the world as opposed to the procedural thinking mindless engineer who goes on making things without thinking about their consequences.
With all things said and done, I think creative thinking is a great attribute to have and it can open wonderful doors in life. (By the way, I am writing this blog instead of working on my digital systems lab which is due tomorrow.. what do you say to THAT!). Human nature drives us towards creative/artsy thinking, but without logic, we would simply all be sitting under a tree admiring the colour of the apple. I am obviously biased, but this is how I see the world (As of now). Also there is something to be said about the notion that guys are more logical and girls are more creative (I ain't gonna open that can of worms now.. I'll save that for a rainy day ;))
Nonetheless, we need you artsies to show us the lighter side of life. Without you, we would prolly never "stop and smell the roses". I think I've swayed back and forth for a while now, never really expressing an opinion.. perhaps its to politician side of my brain that is the strongest now. My end statement about the world is that I don't think it should change. There is nothing wrong with it and this is prolly the best it gets. So stop whining, splitting the world, and fighting about it.. Just sit back and enjoy the ride!